Tuesday, September 16, 2008

aRcHI'fEst 08^^

Haha, here's the long-awaited archifest (festival seni bina) 08 news update!(news, ha.....) Its been quite a hectic while and schedule is still jam all the way to bukit kayu hitam @_@

So, THE Festsena of UKm that was held on 4th to 10th of June was an...err...'exciting AND nerve racking' event, i'd say, coz all of us had to try to be 'god' in order to get this event on track haha...

the day b4 the grand fin...err, grand opening :p

Getting everything within the rhythm was the 'exciting' part, where most of the time we always find that we merely had 2 hours to paint a whole faculty of 'Mona Lisa Smile'...don think it's a metaphoric expression, it did happened!!haha...

naked exhitibion panels which cost rm60 per panel...
so we decided to do wat we do best--set'em up
without spending a fur :p waddya think??^^

bling! all set up within a mouse roll down, that y i said
Mona Lisa painting was possible keke...

Basically this event/s focused on 2 main programmes, which are of the exhibition (internal) and the 'back to nature n b outcasted!'(external...i made tat) programme. For the first part, we managed (whew...) to have mid-scaled exhibition event at the Pusat of Anika...err i mean Pusat Aneka (Pusanika) of ukm, where thr were exhibition + archi department roadshow + opening ceremony + model watching + chairs for rest + something-to-distract-u-from-usual-birds-chirping-n-monkeys-screeching-on-the-way-across-Pusanika... sound exciting huh?^^

where am i??

The exhibition was quite an achievement, considering that it's d work of 16, n with some helping hands from seniors, everything went linearly smooth haha...and of course i'm more than glad and relieve that it's over, eventually...

'Surviving extreme workload'...

The 'round table' of camping site...i use to visit here during every nitemares...

The 2nd part of all was the outcasting somewhere near Kepong...tat's faaaar away from home...Indeed, it's the camping and surviving event programmed for our beloved juniors, intending to create 'warm but true' welcoming particularly to them for taking part in the life-style archi-way. Bravo and Congrats of being the chosen ones! :p

WhOw...hanging 3,000 million feet above the air on these?!

lost in the woods...am i doin the wright thing?

Once again surviving in the lost woods was quite a hit too, even though came across few bumps and humps here there and everywhere...but comprehensively okay, we'd got to gather many many seeeeniors who'r already graduated n some already working. Good job all of us!haha...

does this look weird to u?
it's actually a 4-men tent forced into a sleeping bag...
i wonder who came out wit this masterpiece...hahaha...

I had my 2nd longest sleep i've ever had on the next day. But design is still halfway. It's going to be monday again once my eyelids flip. a r g h.

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