Thursday, April 30, 2009

HoLeeXaM DaY! ^^

Wat?It's exam again??yoo hoo!! :p

Sound sinister heh...It's out of studio and bac on d study table again. Well i've been reading n memorizing since 7 (mayb jz playing and...playing only by then), so it's not too difficult to imagine how nostalgic it is to go bac to flip books n notes(...).

Sorry la nvr mean to offence anybody who has to swallow text books and lecture notes one week before exam n endure d agony of keep forgetting important details :p Like i use to say, it's jz different kind of lifestyle.

Anyway i'm still few days away from sitting for the 3rd paper, which hopefully i can fin up studying evything before then, sambil enjoying my holeexam day :p By the way good luck and all d best to all my frens who're sitting for exam tis time around ^^

great portrait taken by a fren of mine wit his semi-SLR. cool^^

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I wiLL b 'bUcK'......

transfomation procedure of becoming sailormoon + kungfu panda + mask raider

Tis is d quote which is quite well-knowned for still a long time, especially for boys...'Terminator I II and III' by arnold with his weird accent. Yeah tis is jz a notice post to declare that 'i will b buck~~~'!!! BEHOLD, everyone out there who are still,out there...of coz..(...)

y isnt d work finish at all? why wHY WHY???
fighting (more to struggling actually...) till d end